Delilah Book Club : "Lakeshire Park"

Pre-Order "Lakeshire Park"

The month of March just came striding in, bringing with it the first tender shoots of a green spring. And nothing goes hand-in-hand with spring better than romance…

"Lakeshire Park", by Megan Walker, is my book pick for this month. It’s a lovely little romance set in Brighton, England, in the year 1820."

Two sisters, Amelia and Clara Moore are about to find themselves without means or home… so what’s a girl to do back then but conjure a white knight - or at least a suitable bachelor - to sweep her off her feet and into stable circumstances?

If only it were that easy!

Join the sisters on their quest while rooting not only for them to find a roof over their head but, (dare we suggest it?) loving partners as well!

Here’s what the publishers have to say about the PROPER ROMANCE ® line:

These books don’t have sex, swearing or graphic violence. They are ‘books your grandma would read.’

Step into a world of clean, smart, and engaging romance stories with a strong, relatable heroine and a devastatingly handsome hero! Our series seeks to tell stories filled with intrigue, flirtation, and that much anticipated kiss that will never embarrass the reader. These stories feature wonderful characters, obstacles to overcome, and happy endings. 

I loved reading romance novels when I was young, and I’m glad my girls can pick up a book like "Lakeshire Park", and enjoy the historical details, the interesting characters, and the “happily ever after’s” without being subjected to much of the graphic nonsense that’s floating around out there these days.

Just to make sure, I’ll give them a read myself, perhaps with a picnic, on a blanket spread under a tree full of cherry blossoms… Ah, romance!

"Lakeshire Park", the 30th book in the Proper Romance Line, is available to pre-order now before it’s April 7 publish date.

Get your copy here.

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