Penguins Get an Exclusive Tour of the Shed Aquarium

With the world looking dark these last past weeks, and the city screeching to a halt and closing all its doors. The folks over at the Shedd aquarium decided to shine a sparkle of light, and to bring some warmth to all our hearts. With the aquarium shut down due to the virus, and only essential personnel staying there to take care of the animals. And with the aquarium closed off to people, the staff got a little creative with their weekly activity with the penguins.

That’s right, the penguins went on an all exclusive tour of the museum. Every week the penguins need to go to one specific special activity to help them “express natural behaviors”, and since no one was around, the staff thought it would be fun to get creative. Even the fish seemed interested in the tour of the penguins, taking note of a rockhopper penguin they took to the Amazon exhibit.

If you want to see some great pictures they took and a video, head over to the Block Club Chicago Article Here

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