New Building in Fulton Market Designed for COVID-19

With Covid-19 not going anywhere any time soon. Local architecture firms are trying to figure out new ways to design office buildings that will help slow the spread of the virus. One of these new buildings is located over in Fulton Market.

The New Fulton East building will mark the first ever building in the United States that would be designed for a post COVID-19 world. Some of the new designs that have been added to the building include, touch-free thermal scanning to check peoples temperatures, touch free access to tenants floors, solar powered touch free bathrooms, floor plans to accommodate social distancing, and the most interesting of all the designs, Toe-to-Go foot activated elevators where the buttons to call the elevators are buttons you press with your foot.

The building is planning on being open in late summer, but paints an interesting glimpse at what other buildings might do to help fight against the virus and a reminder of how Chicago is always at the forefront of architectural design.

If you want to know more about the new design head on over to the main article here.

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